What is the meaning of Deuce?

A card with two pips, one of four in a standard deck of playing cards.

A side of a die with two spots.

A cast of dice totalling two.

The number two.

  1. A piece of excrement; number two.
  2. A two-year prison sentence.

A piece of excrement; number two.

A two-year prison sentence.

A hand gesture consisting of a raised index and middle finger, a peace sign.

A tied game where either player can win by scoring two consecutive points.

A curveball.

A 1932 Ford.

Two-barrel (twin choke) carburetors .

A table seating two diners.

A twopence coin.


The Devil, used in exclamations of confusion or anger.

Synonym of devil (something awkward or difficult)

Source: wiktionary.org