What is the meaning of Dormir?

to sleep

to sleep

to sleep

to sleep

to sleep

to sleep


to sleep (rest)

to sleep

to sleep (rest)

to sleep

to sleep

reintegrationist spelling of durmir

to sleep

Alternative form of durmir

to sleep

to sleep; to be asleep (to rest in a state of reduced consciousness)

to fall asleep (to become asleep)

to have a given type of sleep

to sleep (to be temporarily inactive)

to sleep with (to have sex with) [with com ‘someone’]

to be constantly [with com ‘with someone’]

to be dead

to fall asleep (to temporarily lose blood circulation)

not to notice a problem

to spend the night

to sleep

to fall asleep

to sleep in

to die; to rest in death

to put to sleep (someone or something)

to anesthetize

to euthanize, to put down (mainly for pets but also people)

Source: wiktionary.org