What is the meaning of Pace?

A step.

  1. A step taken with the foot.
  2. The distance covered in a step (or sometimes two), either vaguely or according to various specific set measurements.

    A step taken with the foot.

    The distance covered in a step (or sometimes two), either vaguely or according to various specific set measurements.

    A way of stepping.

    1. A manner of walking, running or dancing; the rate or style of how someone moves with their feet.
    2. Any of various gaits of a horse, specifically a 2-beat, lateral gait.

    A manner of walking, running or dancing; the rate or style of how someone moves with their feet.

    Any of various gaits of a horse, specifically a 2-beat, lateral gait.

    Speed or velocity in general.

    A measure of the hardness of a pitch and of the tendency of a cricket ball to maintain its speed after bouncing.

    A group of donkeys.

    A passage, a route.

    1. One's journey or route.
    2. A passage through difficult terrain; a mountain pass or route vulnerable to ambush etc.
    3. An aisle in a church.

    One's journey or route.

    A passage through difficult terrain; a mountain pass or route vulnerable to ambush etc.

    An aisle in a church.

    Describing a bowler who bowls fast balls.

    To walk back and forth in a small distance.

    To set the speed in a race.

    To measure by walking.

    With all due respect to.




    inflection of pacer:

    1. third-person singular present indicative
    2. second-person singular imperative

    third-person singular present indicative

    second-person singular imperative



    peace be with you; that's it; end of the story

    ablative singular of pāx (peace)

    proceed; go forward

    form of address for a man


    first-person singular present/imperative middle of pacati (to cook)

    singular optative active of pacati (to cook)

    nominative/accusative/vocative plural of pac

    nominative/accusative/vocative plural of paca

    dative/locative singular of paka


    inflection of pacer:

    1. third-person singular present indicative
    2. second-person singular imperative

    third-person singular present indicative

    second-person singular imperative

    Source: wiktionary.org