What is the meaning of &?

Abbreviation of and.

Used in some programming languages for different purposes.

  1. Used to dereference memory address.
  2. Used to represent the binary operator and.

    Used to dereference memory address.

    Used to represent the binary operator and.

    In a URL, separates each field-value pair of a query string.

    Used to represent multiplicity.

    Abbreviation of and.

    Abbreviation of et.

    Abbreviation of i.

    Abbreviation of kaj.

    Abbreviation of et.

    Abbreviation of e and ed.

    Abbreviation of et.

    Abbreviation of アンド.

    Abbreviation of et.

    Abbreviation of e.

    Abbreviation of y and e.

    Abbreviation of och.

    Source: wiktionary.org