What is the meaning of -era?

Used to form names of languages from toponyms.

Used to form dimension nouns from adjectives.


Used to a nouns representing the property corresponding to a verb; -tion, -ing

way of

Allomorphic post-consonantal form of -ra (allative inanimate singular suffix)

forms nouns meaning the location or object where something is usually found

forms nouns meaning a plant which is cultivated to produce something

forms nouns meaning the purpose of something or an object used for that purpose

forms nouns and adjectives referring to an inhabitant of somewhere

forms nouns and adjectives referring to engaging in a profession

forms nouns and adjectives referring to being prone to some activity or characteristic

forms nouns from verbs or nouns meaning the desire to perform an action

forms the third-person singular future of regular -er verbs

female equivalent of -ero

Alternative form of -ere

genitive plural of -ere

genitive/accusative singular of -er

feminine singular of -eru

indicates a place or object where something can be found, kept or done

forms names of certain plants or trees from the name of their fruit

indicates a place or object where something can be found, kept or done

indicates a physical state or disability

forms names of certain plants or trees from the name of their fruit

feminine singular of -ero

-ate, -ize; make a verb from a noun, similar to Swedish -a; used on loan-words with French -er and German -ieren

female equivalent of -ero: forms female occupations and other agent nouns from nouns

Source: wiktionary.org