What is the meaning of -ta?

Form of -yta used after nouns ending in consonants.

Form of -ytá used after nouns ending in consonants.

[with perfect participle] adverbial suffix

suffix for the abessive case, without.

Forms verbs from nouns, generally with a causative, factitive or instrumental meaning.

Forms verbs from nouns with a translative or reflexive meaning.

A suffix for the partitive singular case.

Alternative form of -ida

Alternative form of -tta (abessive case ending)

  1. Forms the third-person singular indicative past definite form of verbs.

    Forms the third-person singular indicative past definite form of verbs.

    Forms the verbal participle of verbs, always following the agent noun.

    Forms nouns from certain verbs (cf. -ás), incorporating the third-person singular possessive suffix (-a), which can be replaced by other personal possessive suffixes.

    towards, to.

    to one's advantage, for.

    First-person dual absolutive enclitic pronoun; we (two); us (two); you and I; you and me

    First-person dual ergative enclitic pronoun; we (two); you and I

    First-person dual possessive marker; our (mine and yours); of us two

    first person plural inclusive accusative enclitic

    to, at, on, in

    our (first person plural inclusive)

    your (polite second person singular and plural)

    Forms intransitive verbs with patient-like arguments from nouns.

    Forms the certain future tense.

    Directs that the command or request expressed by a verb must be executed somewhere else and not at the place where the order was given.

    added to nouns to form adjectives

    used to form strong plural forms of nouns

    used to form the past participle of verbs

    genitive singular of -adh (verbal noun suffix)

    Rōmaji transcription of

    inflection of -tus:

    1. feminine nominative/vocative singular
    2. neuter nominative/accusative/vocative plural

    feminine nominative/vocative singular

    neuter nominative/accusative/vocative plural

    feminine ablative singular of -tus

    Used for the accusative case. Indicates the direct object of a verb or the goal of a motion verb.

    Used to form adverbs from adjectives.

    Alternative form of -te

    A condition or state

    final conclusion of a process, often involving contact

    Alternative form of -da (locative suffix) .

    Source: wiktionary.org