An item that grants the player an extra life in the game, staving off game over by one more try.
In a game with multiple players, an indicator or identifier of player 1.
Search words containing
5-letter words containing o
5-letter words containing i
5-letter words containing l
5-letter words starting with n
5-letter words starting with i
5-letter words starting with e
5-letter words starting with r
5-letter words starting with f
5-letter words in the middle o
5-letter words in the middle n
5-letter words in the middle r
5-letter words in the middle s
5-letter words ending with a
5-letter words ending with r
5-letter words ending with s
5-letter words ending with e
5-letter words ending with w
5-letter words excluding f
5-letter words excluding c
5-letter words excluding m
5-letter words excluding h
5-letter words excluding u
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