What is the meaning of Ago?
Before now.
Gone; gone by; gone away; passed; passed away.
Nearly gone; dead.
an exclamation of surprise
may I come in?
to do
to make
to negotiate, discuss, confer, talk with one about a person or thing
to effect, accomplish, achieve
to act, play, perform (e.g., a role in a play)
to perform, transact, conduct, manage (e.g. business, affairs)
to administer, direct, guide, govern
to drive (sense of providing an impetus for motion), impel, move, push, put in motion, urge
to conduct, drive (sense of providing governance to motion)
to discuss, debate, deliberate
to plead
to think upon; to be occupied with
to aim at, to get at (generally in the subjunctive mood and preceded by ut, and so meaning: "that to might achieve...")
to stir up, excite, cause, induce
to disturb, agitate, afflict, upset, vex
to lead, drive (e.g., livestock)
to drive at, pursue (a course of action)
to rob, steal, plunder, carry off
to slay, kill (as a sacrifice)
to hold (a court)
to go on, to take place, to be at issue
excuse me, hello, an interjection used to get the attention of the addressee
Source: wiktionary.orgSearch words containing