What is the meaning of Faren?

definite singular of far

definite singular of fare

To move, go or travel:

  1. To depart or leave.
  2. To attack; to charge against.
  3. To die; to depart from the world.

To depart or leave.

To attack; to charge against.

To die; to depart from the world.

To act or behave:

  1. To fare; to get along.
  2. To be hosted (as a guest).
  3. To result in; to turn out.

To fare; to get along.

To be hosted (as a guest).

To result in; to turn out.

To resemble something else.

To proceed to do; to start or continue doing.

To elapse; to pass.

farrows, young pigs

definite singular of fare

definite singular of far

definite singular of fare

definite singular of far

past participle of fara and fare

past participle of faran

third-person plural future subjunctive of far

past participle of fara

zope, blue bream, Abramis ballerus

Source: wiktionary.org