What is the meaning of Jelly?

A dessert made by boiling gelatine (or a plant-based alternative such as agar or carrageenan), sugar and some flavouring (often derived from fruit) and allowing it to set.

A clear or translucent fruit preserve, made from fruit juice and set using either naturally occurring, or added, pectin.

Clipping of jelly coconut.

A savoury substance, derived from meat, that has the same texture as the dessert.

Any substance or object having the consistency of the dessert or preserve.

A jellyfish.

A pretty girl; a girlfriend.

A large backside, especially a woman's.

Clipping of gelignite.

A jelly shoe.


To make into jelly.

To preserve in jelly.

To wiggle like jelly. (Can we add an example for this sense?)


Vitrified brick refuse used as metal in building roads.

Source: wiktionary.org