What is the meaning of Karma?
The sum total of a person's actions, which determine the person's next incarnation in samsara, the cycle of death and rebirth.
A force or law of nature which causes one to reap what one sows; destiny; fate.
A distinctive feeling, aura, or atmosphere.
A score assigned to a user or post on some discussion forums, indicating popularity or perceived value.
tankless water heater, instantaneous water heater
an unpleasant or negative environment.
third-person singular single-possession possessive of karom
indefinite accusative plural of karmur
indefinite genitive plural of karmur
- the sum total of a person's actions, which determine the person's next incarnation in samsara, the cycle of death and rebirth
- a force or law of nature which causes one to reap what one sows; destiny; fate
the sum total of a person's actions, which determine the person's next incarnation in samsara, the cycle of death and rebirth
a force or law of nature which causes one to reap what one sows; destiny; fate
karma (divine retribution in a non-religious context)
fodder (food for pets)
hay and straw mix (hay mixed with straw given to cattle)
karma (total effect of a person's actions and conduct during the successive phases of their existence)
Alternative spelling of carma
second-person singular negative imperative of karmak
Source: wiktionary.orgSearch words containing