What is the meaning of Passer?

One who succeeds in passing a test, etc.

One who passes something along; a distributor.

Someone who passes, someone who makes a pass.

  1. A football player who makes a forward pass, who may be (but not limited to) the quarterback.

A football player who makes a forward pass, who may be (but not limited to) the quarterback.

A passed pawn.

One who passes; a passer-by.

One who is able to "pass", or be accepted as a member of a race, sex or other group to which society would not otherwise regard them as belonging.

compass, pair of compasses (tool for drawing circles and arcs)

imperative of passere

compass (device used with a pencil to draw an arc or circle on paper)

to go past

to cross (a border)

to pass

to spend (time)

to publish (a newspaper)

to take, to sit (an exam or test)

to pass (an exam or test)

to pass (an exam or test)

to run

to exceed (a limit)

to percolate

to hand down, to pass on

to be allowed

to pass, to go (between two entities)

to show (a movie)

to go up (a grade)

to shift (change gear)

  1. to go down
  2. to go up

to go down

to go up

to stop by, to pop in

to pass away, to die

to spin (e.g. a disk)

to show (be on television)

to pass (kick, throw, hit etc. the ball to another player)

to pass (the relay baton)

to pass on (infect someone else with a disease)

to put, to place, to slip (move a part of one's body somewhere else)

to wipe, rub

to skip a go

to put (make something undergo something)

to pass (not play upon one's turn)

to take place, to happen, to come to pass

to go by

to do without [with de ‘something’]

to don

to be thought to be, to be said to be, to be taken for [with pour ‘someone/something’]

to proceed

to pass; to go by

imperative of passere

present of passe

to pass; to pass by



Source: wiktionary.org