What is the meaning of Table?

Furniture with a top surface to accommodate a variety of uses.

  1. An item of furniture with a flat top surface raised above the ground, usually on one or more legs.

    An item of furniture with a flat top surface raised above the ground, usually on one or more legs.

    The board or table-like furniture on which a game is played, such as snooker, billiards, or draughts.

    A flat tray which can be used as a table.

    A supply of food or entertainment.

    A service of Holy Communion.

    One half of a backgammon board, which is divided into the inner and outer table.

    A wide, flat obstacle for a horse to jump over.

    A group of people at a table, for example, for a meal, meeting or game.

    1. The lineup of players at a given table.

      The lineup of players at a given table.

      A group of players meeting regularly to play a campaign.

      A group of diners at a given table or tables.

      A two-dimensional presentation of data.

      1. A matrix or grid of data arranged in rows and columns.
      2. A collection of arithmetic calculations arranged in a table, such as multiplications in a multiplication table.

        A matrix or grid of data arranged in rows and columns.

        A collection of arithmetic calculations arranged in a table, such as multiplications in a multiplication table.

        A lookup table, most often a set of vectors.

        A visual representation of a classification of teams or individuals based on their success over a predetermined period.

        The top of a stringed instrument, particularly a member of the violin family: the side of the instrument against which the strings vibrate.

        The flat topmost facet of a cut diamond.

        A flat gravestone supported on pillars.

        A writing tablet.

        To tabulate; to put into a table or grid.

        To supply (a guest, client etc.) with food at a table; to feed.

        To delineate; to represent, as in a picture; to depict.

        To put on the table of a commission or legislative assembly; to propose for formal discussion or consideration, to put on the agenda.

        To remove from the agenda, to postpone dealing with; to shelve (to indefinitely postpone consideration or discussion of something).

        To join (pieces of timber) together using coaks.

        To put on a table.

        To show one's cards face-up, especially during showdown.

        To make board hems in the skirts and bottoms of (sails) in order to strengthen them in the part attached to the bolt-rope.

        table (furniture with a top surface to accommodate a variety of uses)

        flat surface atop various objects

        flat part of a cut or carved object

        table of a stringed instrument

        matrix or grid of data arranged in rows and columns

        systematic list of content

        inflection of tabler:

        1. first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctive
        2. second-person singular imperative

        first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctive

        second-person singular imperative

        table (furniture with a top surface to accommodate a variety of uses)

        table (furniture with a top surface to accommodate a variety of uses)

        1. The top of a table (flat surface of a table for use)
        2. A location where one's soul receives nutrition.
        3. A serving or portion of food.

        The top of a table (flat surface of a table for use)

        A location where one's soul receives nutrition.

        A serving or portion of food.

        A level writing surface:

        1. A tablet, especially a portable one for writing on.
        2. An inscribed memorial, dedication, message, or other text; a sign or monument.
        3. The physical Ten Commandments handed down from heaven.

        A tablet, especially a portable one for writing on.

        An inscribed memorial, dedication, message, or other text; a sign or monument.

        The physical Ten Commandments handed down from heaven.

        Any (relatively) level surface:

        1. A wooden pole or board (especially behind an altar).
        2. The board of a board game (often divided in two).
        3. A level, floor or storey (of a building)
        4. Such a surface used for painting.
        5. A flat piece of arable land.
        6. A portion of the hand surrounded by palm lines.

        A wooden pole or board (especially behind an altar).

        The board of a board game (often divided in two).

        A level, floor or storey (of a building)

        Such a surface used for painting.

        A flat piece of arable land.

        A portion of the hand surrounded by palm lines.

        A glossary or almanac; a reference work or chart of data.

        A board game similar to backgammon.

        A flat bone or fused set of bones.

        table (furniture with a top surface to accommodate a variety of uses)

        plural of tablă


        inflection of tablar:

        1. first/third-person singular present subjunctive
        2. third-person singular imperative

        first/third-person singular present subjunctive

        third-person singular imperative

        Source: wiktionary.org