What is the meaning of Abi?
ISO 639-3 language code for Abidji.
alternative spelling of habis (“finish”)
to kill (I;II)
to abort (I;II)
in case, if it should happen, perchance
cracks (as in jars, plates etc.)
Alternative spelling of ábi
Alternative spelling of ábi
to take
Interrogative particle placed at the beginning or end of a yes/no question.
be at home
sit in (a certain place)
fire (oxidation reaction)
to have
second-person singular present subjunctive of aver
second-person singular imperative of aver
to misconstrue; to interpret erroneously, to understand incorrectly; to misunderstand
to be sick or infected (usually with a skin disease)
A candidate for the matriculation examination.
second-person singular active imperative of abeō
both (one and the other of two)
both (the two previously mentioned)
Alternative form of abia (“barely”)
Colloquial form of ağabey: elder brother
Source: wiktionary.orgSearch words containing