What is the meaning of Aku?
ISO 639-3 language code for Akum.
I, me (first person singular pronoun)
my (first person singular possesive pronoun)
I (personal pronoun)
I (personal pronoun)
what kind?, which?
I, me (first person singular pronoun)
my (first person singular possesive pronoun)
I, me (first person singular pronoun)
my (first person singular possesive pronoun)
I (personal pronoun)
me (direct object of a verb)
me (object of a preposition)
me (indirect object of a verb)
my (belonging to me)
I (personal pronoun)
me (direct object of a verb)
me (object of a preposition)
me (indirect object of a verb)
my (belonging to me)
I, me (first person singular pronoun)
my (first person singular possesive pronoun)
African gray parrot (Psittacus erithacus)
I, me (first person singular pronoun)
my (first person singular possesive pronoun)
I, me (first person singular pronoun)
my (first person singular possesive pronoun)
I (personal pronoun)
needlefish of the genus Strongylura
I (first person singular pronoun)
bonito, skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis)
direction away from the speaker, away
soon, later, earlier, last (week, year, etc.)
first person singular pronoun: I, me, my
Romanization of ꦲꦏꦸ
I (personal pronoun)
me (direct object of a verb)
me (object of a preposition)
me (indirect object of a verb)
my (belonging to me)
inflection of aka:
accusative/instrumental singular
I, me (first person singular pronoun)
my (first person singular possesive pronoun)
my (when talking of more than one thing)
resting time after chewing coca
Source: wiktionary.orgSearch words containing