What is the meaning of Asa?

inflection of asar:

  1. third-person singular present indicative
  2. second-person singular imperative

third-person singular present indicative

second-person singular imperative


to hope; to expect




to swell (as a result of fermentation), ferment

to boil, surge

to make a lot of noise

to struggle, strive, toil

definite plural of as


tree branch


to hope


Abbreviation of als en slechts als (iff).

handle (of a container)


inflection of asar:

  1. third-person singular present indicative
  2. second-person singular imperative

third-person singular present indicative

second-person singular imperative

Synonym of harapan (hope)

Synonym of sangka (to think, guess, suspect)

Synonym of sengaja (intentionally)

a roof seam, made of coconut leaves

inflection of as:

  1. genitive singular
  2. nominative/dative plural

genitive singular

nominative/dative plural

Rōmaji transcription of あさ

Latin spelling of аса (asa, very, extremely)

Archaic form of āra.

inflection of ass:

  1. genitive masculine singular
  2. nominative feminine singular

genitive masculine singular

nominative feminine singular

hope (belief that something wished for can happen)

to hope (to want something to happen)

genitive singular of as

wing (part of an animal or airplane)

handle (part of an object which is held in the hand when used or moved)

inflection of asar:

  1. third-person singular present indicative
  2. second-person singular imperative

third-person singular present indicative

second-person singular imperative

handle of a vessel or container

inflection of asar:

  1. third-person singular present indicative
  2. second-person singular imperative

third-person singular present indicative

second-person singular imperative

to taste

to feel; to reckon; to suppose

(often reduplicated) to doubt; to hesitate

act of hoping

expectation; anticipation

dependence; reliance


you wish!


stick used to walk

Source: wiktionary.org