What is the meaning of Bos?

ISO 639-2 & ISO 639-3 language code for Bosnian.

plural of bo

wood, forest

bush, shrub

bunch, bundle, sheaf, bouquet

Superseded spelling of vos.

to be

to have; to get

short masculine singular of bosý

oak tree

thigh, hind quarters

you (plural second person)

you; thou (second-person singular personal pronoun)

garbage, rubbish, waste

straw for or from a strawbed

stall, byre


indefinite genitive singular of bo

wood, forest

jungle, tropical rainforest

bouquet, cluster, bunch

box (tree)


masculine plural of bo

cluster, bunch

boss, leader, head

palm of the hand

the flattened, curved end of a hurley


Alternative form of boz

head of cattle (cow, bull, steer, or ox)

Alternative form of boss

you (plural), ye


indefinite genitive singular of bo

passive infinitive of bo

present passive of bo

boss, chief, head

a male term of address

boss, overseer, master


Source: wiktionary.org