What is the meaning of Caput?

The head.

A knob-like protuberance or capitulum.

The top or superior part of a thing.

The council or ruling body of the University of Cambridge prior to the constitution of 1856.

Ellipsis of caput succedaneum.


The head.

The head as the seat of the understanding.


  1. The head, top, summit, point, end, extremity (beginning or end).
  2. The origin, source, spring (head).
  3. The mouth, embouchure.
  4. The root.
  5. Vine branches.
  6. The summit, top.

The head, top, summit, point, end, extremity (beginning or end).

The origin, source, spring (head).

The mouth, embouchure.

The root.

Vine branches.

The summit, top.

A man, person, or animal.


  1. Physical life.
  2. Civil or political life.
  3. The first or chief person or thing; the head, leader, chief, guide, capital.

Physical life.

Civil or political life.

The first or chief person or thing; the head, leader, chief, guide, capital.

A division, section, paragraph, chapter.

A headlike protuberance on an organ or body part, usually bone.

A disease; a severe swelling of the soft tissues of a newborn's scalp that develops as the baby travels through the birth canal.

that which is located above

a title or header of a legal article containing its central idea

Source: wiktionary.org