What is the meaning of Communicate?

To impart.

  1. To impart or transmit (information or knowledge) to someone; to make known, to tell.

    To impart or transmit (information or knowledge) to someone; to make known, to tell.

    To impart or transmit (an intangible quantity, substance); to give a share of.

    To pass on (a disease) to another person, animal etc.

    To share

    1. To share (in); to have in common, to partake of.

      To share (in); to have in common, to partake of.

      To receive the bread and wine at a celebration of the Eucharist; to take part in Holy Communion.

      To administer the Holy Communion to (someone).

      To express or convey ideas, either through verbal or nonverbal means; to have intercourse, to exchange information.

      To be connected by means of an opening or channel [with with ‘another room, vessel etc.’].

      Communicated, (made) commune, joined.

      second-person plural present active imperative of commūnicō

      Source: wiktionary.org