What is the meaning of Dropper?
A utensil for dispensing a single drop of liquid at a time.
One who drops something, especially one who drops a specific item to cause mischief.
A software component designed to install malware on a target system.
A fly that drops from the leaden above the bob or end fly.
A branch vein which drops off from, or leaves, the main lode.
A dog which suddenly drops upon the ground when it sights game.
A batten fixed to a post-and-wire fence to keep the wires apart.
A person who uses fraudulent cheques.
A drop shot.
A delivery by lob bowling (no longer legal).
A bowler who makes such deliveries.
A seat post whose height can be adjusted while riding.
to drop (a golf ball in a position other than it has landed)
to drop (to forget, cease talking about)
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