What is the meaning of Fang?

A long, pointed canine tooth used for biting and tearing flesh.

A long pointed tooth in snakes, for injecting venom.

Either of the two factors that make a number a vampire number.

To strike or attack with the fangs.

To enable to catch or tear; to furnish with fangs.

To catch, capture; seize.

To take; receive with assent; accept.

To receive with hospitality.

To receive.

To receive or adopt into spiritual relation, as in baptism; be godfather or godmother to.

A grasping; capture; the act or power of seizing; hold.

That which is seized or carried off; booty; spoils; stolen goods.

Any projection, catch, shoot, or other thing by which hold is taken; a prehensile part or organ.

A channel cut in the rock, or a pipe of wood, used for conveying air.

Catches on which the coal mining cage rests while cars are being moved on and off.

The coil or bend of a rope; a noose; a trap.

The valve of a pump box.

To supply (a pump) with the water necessary for it to operate.

To drive, ride, etc. at high speed or recklessly.

Gheg form of fëng


imperative of fange

  1. Catch.
  2. Capture.



    singular imperative of fangen

    embrace, hold, grasp



    Nonstandard spelling of fāng.

    Nonstandard spelling of fáng.

    Nonstandard spelling of fǎng.

    Nonstandard spelling of fàng.


    imperative of fange


    imperative of fanga

    plunder, booty



    fank, sheepfold


    Source: wiktionary.org