What is the meaning of Fatte?

to understand or grasp the true meaning or significance of something.

to understand or grasp the thinking or behaviour of (someone).

to begin to feel a certain emotion

to take, to do

to take hold of; to seize. except in the saying at tage fat (literally to take hold (to embark on something).

to surround with a frame, setting, etc.

feminine plural of fatto

feminine plural of fatto

plural of fatta

to grip or grasp

to catch fire

to spread, burn

to enclose, contain

to understand, get, comprehend

to take, get, have; win

to reclaim oneself as a master; get together and calm down (again)

to express oneself (in a certain way)

to customize and assemble stones in (gold and silver) jewelry

definite natural masculine singular of fatt

event, incident, happening

Source: wiktionary.org