What is the meaning of Grab?
To grip suddenly; to seize; to clutch.
To make a sudden grasping or clutching motion (at something).
To restrain someone; to arrest.
To grip the attention of; to enthrall or interest.
To quickly collect, retrieve, or take.
To take the opportunity of.
A sudden snatch at something.
An acquisition by violent or unjust means.
A mechanical device that grabs or clutches.
- A device for withdrawing drills, etc., from artesian and other wells that are drilled, bored, or driven.
A device for withdrawing drills, etc., from artesian and other wells that are drilled, bored, or driven.
A sound bite.
That which is seized.
The rescue of a person from a burning structure.
A simple card game.
A two- or three-masted vessel used on the Malabar coast.
hornbeam (tree of genus Carpinus)
hornbeam (any tree of the genus Carpinus)
second-person singular imperative of grabić
Source: wiktionary.orgSearch words containing