What is the meaning of Grape?

A small, round, smooth-skinned edible fruit, usually purple, red, or green, that grows in bunches on vines of genus Vitis.

A woody vine of genus Vitis that bears clusters of grapes; a grapevine.

Any of various fruits or plants with varying resemblances to those of genus Vitis but belonging to other genera; their edibility varies.

A dark purplish-red colour, the colour of many grapes.

Clipping of grapeshot.

A mangy tumour on a horse's leg.

A purple-shirted technician responsible for refueling aircraft.

A person's head.

Containing grapes or having a grape flavor.

Of a dark purplish red colour.

To pick grapes.

Of livestock, to develop tubercules as a result of tuberculosis.

To develop a texture with small grape-like clusters of a contaminant or foreign substance.

To grope.

To envy (derived from "sour grapes" idiom).

Filter-avoidance spelling of rape.

Filter-avoidance spelling of rape.


Synonym of greippi (grapefruit).

inflection of grapă:

  1. indefinite plural
  2. indefinite genitive/dative singular

indefinite plural

indefinite genitive/dative singular

inflection of grapar:

  1. first/third-person singular present subjunctive
  2. third-person singular imperative

first/third-person singular present subjunctive

third-person singular imperative


Source: wiktionary.org