What is the meaning of Góra?
mountainside forest (woodland on the slope of a mountain)
top; up (higher part of something; upward direction)
upper hand, advantage (condition, circumstance, opportunity or means, particularly favorable or chance to success, or to any desired end)
mountain (elevation of land of considerable dimensions rising more or less abruptly, forming a conspicuous figure in the landscape, usually having a small extent of surface at its summit)
mountain (elevation of land of considerable dimensions rising more or less abruptly, forming a conspicuous figure in the landscape, usually having a small extent of surface at its summit)
Synonym of wyniosłość (“elevation”)
top (higher part of some object; upmost part of something)
upper range of a singer
beginning, start (first part of something; top of a piece of text)
pile (collection of things one on top of the other)
mine (place for extracting resources)
upper hand, advantage (condition, circumstance, opportunity or means, particularly favorable or chance to success, or to any desired end)
cape (piece or point of land, extending beyond the adjacent coast into a sea or lake)
surface (external part of something)
The meaning of this term is uncertain.
Source: wiktionary.orgSearch words containing