What is the meaning of Głowa?

head (part of the body)

head (person who leads something)

head (ability to reason)

headland; cape

head (part of the body)

head (part of the body)


head; person, individual

murder victim

head (person leading)

head (beginning of something, i.e. text; thing in the most important position)


compensation for murder, usually with a fee to a feudal lord

head (part of bed where one places one's head)

head (part of the body)

head (individual person in relation to a group)

head (person in intellectual terms)

head (ability to reason)

head (person's abilities in a given field) [with do (+ genitive) ‘for what’]

head (person leading or in highest position)

head; life

head; ball (anything round resembling a head)

head (upper round part as opposed to the base of something)

hair; hairstyle

head (part of an object, e.g. a bed, where a person would place their head)

particular component of a rope-making device

blood money, wergeld

cap, hat

person with a big head

headquarters; capital


chapter of a written work

The meaning of this term is uncertain.

head; Further details are uncertain.

Alternative form of gowa

Source: wiktionary.org