What is the meaning of Jj?

to arrive, to come to a certain place (+ r or n: to (a place, person, thing, etc.); + ḫr: to (someone of higher status); + m: from (a place), into (something), by means of (a vehicle), as (a role); + ḥr: to, upon (something), from, for the sake of; + m-dj: from (someone))

to come here, to move from further to nearby

to return, to come back

to come to pass or come to be, to come, to arrive

to come (to do something)

Third-person masculine statives of this verb often have a final -y instead of the expected stative ending.

A letter of the practical Hadza alphabet.

to let, to leave

to abandon

to save, to keep

to bequeath

to create, to birth, to beget

to allow, to tolerate

Abbreviation of jekk jogħġbok.

Abbreviation of jekk jogħġobkom.

Source: wiktionary.org