What is the meaning of Kasta?
to throw
inflection of kastaa:
- present active indicative connegative
- second-person singular present imperative
- second-person singular present active imperative connegative
present active indicative connegative
second-person singular present imperative
second-person singular present active imperative connegative
to throw, to fling, to hurl, to toss [intransitive or with dative]
to pitch [with dative ‘something’]
to shoot [with dative ‘something’]
to foal; to give birth to, to bear [with dative ‘offspring’]
indefinite genitive plural of kast
indefinite genitive plural of köstur
caste: a separate and fixed order or class of persons in society who chiefly associate with each other, especially hereditary social classes and subclasses of South Asian societies
inflection of kaste:
- simple past
- past participle
simple past
to throw
to cast, to throw [with dative]
chest (strong box)
caste (any of the hereditary social classes and subclasses of South Asian societies)
caste (separate and fixed order or class of persons in society who chiefly associate with each other)
caste (class of polymorphous eusocial insects of a particular size and function within a colony)
to throw (make an object fly through the air)
to roll (a die)
to throw away, discard, dispose of
to throw oneself
to cast (a shadow)
Source: wiktionary.orgSearch words containing