What is the meaning of Kieli?

tongue (organ)

tang, tongue, projecting part

  1. string (tightly tensioned wire that produces a tone)
  2. reed (vibrating part in the mouthpiece of a woodwind instrument)
  3. clapper, clanger, tongue (in a bell)
  4. pointer, needle (on a balance scale)
  5. tongue (in a shoe)

    string (tightly tensioned wire that produces a tone)

    reed (vibrating part in the mouthpiece of a woodwind instrument)

    clapper, clanger, tongue (in a bell)

    pointer, needle (on a balance scale)

    tongue (in a shoe)

    prong of a buckle

    language (form of communication)

    1. language, tongue (particular form of oral or spoken communication used by a community)
    2. language, tongue (manner of expression; particular words or structures used in a speech or a passage of text)

    language, tongue (particular form of oral or spoken communication used by a community)

    language, tongue (manner of expression; particular words or structures used in a speech or a passage of text)

    inflection of kieliä:

    1. third-person singular past indicative
    2. present active indicative connegative
    3. second-person singular present imperative
    4. second-person singular present active imperative connegative

    third-person singular past indicative

    present active indicative connegative

    second-person singular present imperative

    second-person singular present active imperative connegative



    clanger, clapper





    clapper (of a bell)

    Synonym of wielki

    Source: wiktionary.org