What is the meaning of Knock?

An abrupt rapping sound, as from an impact of a hard object against wood.

A sharp impact.

A criticism.

A blow or setback.

Preignition, a type of abnormal combustion occurring in spark ignition engines caused by self-ignition; also, the characteristic knocking sound associated with it.

A batsman's innings.

A ball hit into play, especially one that becomes a hit.

Synonym of hunger knock

To rap one's knuckles against something, especially wood.

To strike for admittance; to rap upon, as a door.

To criticize verbally; to denigrate; to undervalue.

To kick a ball towards another player; to pass.

To hit a ball into play.

To impress forcibly or strongly; to astonish; to move to admiration or applause.

To bump or impact.

To have sex with.

To prosecute under the law; to arrest, imprison, etc.

To end play by declaring one's hand to have under a certain amount of deadwood.

Alternative form of knaugh

Source: wiktionary.org