What is the meaning of Limpa?

Swedish-style rye bread made with molasses.

inflection of limpar:

  1. third-person singular present indicative
  2. second-person singular imperative

third-person singular present indicative

second-person singular imperative

feminine singular of limpo

to wipe

to clean

to wipe

to clean

spleen, in vertebrates, including humans, a ductless vascular gland, located in the left upper abdomen near the stomach, which destroys old red blood cells, removes debris from the bloodstream, acts as a reservoir of blood, and produces lymphocytes


inflection of limpar:

  1. third-person singular present indicative
  2. second-person singular imperative

third-person singular present indicative

second-person singular imperative

feminine singular of limpo

feminine singular of limpo

a loaf of bread

a carton (of cigarettes)

a roll (of snus)



Source: wiktionary.org