What is the meaning of Lin?
ISO 639-2 & ISO 639-3 language code for Lingala.
Alternative spelling of linn
Alternative form of line (“flax, linen”)
Nonstandard form of 𢆡 (“nipple”). (Classifier: 粒 c)
Soft mutation of glin.
flax (the plant)
first-person plural preterite indicative of ler
a route, a line (of transport, especially of public transport and airlines)
Nonstandard spelling of līn.
Nonstandard spelling of lín.
Nonstandard spelling of lǐn.
Nonstandard spelling of lìn.
Alternative form of lyne
line (lineage; descent)
linen (fibre)
flax (plant)
Soft mutation of glin.
Soft mutation of llin.
Source: wiktionary.orgSearch words containing