What is the meaning of Matte?

A decorative border around a picture used to inset and center the contents of a frame.

A background, often painted or created with computers

The molten metal sulfide phases typically formed during smelting of copper, nickel, and other base metals.

An instrument for producing a dull, lustreless surface.

Dull; not reflective of light.

To produce a dull, lustreless surface on (metal).

inflection of mat:

  1. masculine/feminine singular attributive
  2. definite neuter singular attributive
  3. plural attributive

masculine/feminine singular attributive

definite neuter singular attributive

plural attributive

inflection of matten:

  1. singular past indicative
  2. singular past/present subjunctive

singular past indicative

singular past/present subjunctive

inflection of matter:

  1. first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctive
  2. second-person singular imperative

first/third-person singular present indicative/subjunctive

second-person singular imperative

inflection of matt:

  1. strong/mixed nominative/accusative feminine singular
  2. strong nominative/accusative plural
  3. weak nominative all-gender singular
  4. weak accusative feminine/neuter singular

strong/mixed nominative/accusative feminine singular

strong nominative/accusative plural

weak nominative all-gender singular

weak accusative feminine/neuter singular

plural of matta

plural of matta

Rōmaji transcription of まって

mat (piece of coarse material)

A coarse pad for a bed.

inflection of matt:

  1. definite singular
  2. plural

definite singular


a mat or rug

Clipping of matematikk.

to make something dull, matt

to deliver a checkmate

inflection of matt:

  1. definite singular
  2. plural

definite singular


a mat or rug

short form of "matematikk", mathematics, maths (UK), math (US)

to make something dull, matt

inflection of matta (intoxicated):

  1. locative singular masculine/neuter
  2. accusative plural masculine
  3. vocative singular feminine

locative singular masculine/neuter

accusative plural masculine

vocative singular feminine

inflection of mattar:

  1. first/third-person singular present subjunctive
  2. third-person singular imperative

first/third-person singular present subjunctive

third-person singular imperative

definite natural masculine singular of matt

female owner of a pet; clipping of matmor.

maths; clipping of matematik.

Alternative spelling of mate (maté)

16th–17th century spelling of matta (coarse protective material)

Source: wiktionary.org