What is the meaning of Minuta?

plural of minutë

minute (unit of time)

minute (unit of angular measure)

inflection of minout:

  1. feminine singular passive participle
  2. neuter plural passive participle

feminine singular passive participle

neuter plural passive participle

third-person singular past historic of minuter


feminine singular of minuto


minute (unit of time equal to sixty seconds)

minute (short amount of time)

inflection of minūtus:

  1. nominative/vocative feminine singular
  2. nominative/accusative/vocative neuter plural

nominative/vocative feminine singular

nominative/accusative/vocative neuter plural

ablative feminine singular of minūtus

minute (unit of time)


minute (unit of time)

concept, rough draft (preliminary drafting of a document without legal force)


minute (unit of time)

abessive of minä

minute (unit of time equal to sixty seconds)

minute (short moment)

arcminute (1/60th of a degree)

abstract (document without a stamp or seal)

draft (usually of an official document)

inflection of minutar:

  1. third-person singular present indicative
  2. second-person singular imperative

third-person singular present indicative

second-person singular imperative


minute (unit of time equal to sixty seconds)

rough draft

bill, fee (for example, at a restaurant)



minute, note

snack, quick meal

snow cone

Source: wiktionary.org