What is the meaning of O'clock?
NATO, ICAO, ITU & IMO radiotelephony code word used with numerals up to twelve to indicate direction
In conjunction with a numeral, indicates the time within a twelve-hour period (midnight to noon or noon to midnight), specifically the time when the hour hand of a clock points precisely to the symbol or marking corresponding to the designated numeral.
In conjunction with a term representing an action or event that occurs daily, indicates the time that said action or event occurs, first occurs.
Used to indicate that it is time to do a specific action, or time for a specific action to occur.
In conjunction with a numeral, indicates the direction, relative to the speaker or a vehicle, especially an aircraft, corresponding to the direction the hour hand is pointing at the time corresponding to the numeral, with twelve representing directly ahead on a horizontal plane, or directly up on a vertical plane, and three being to the right on either.
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