What is the meaning of Ph?

Abbreviation of phot.

Initialism of physical health.

Misspelling of pH.

Initialism of phonetically: A notation used in transcripts to indicate that the transcriber is unsure of the spelling, usually of a name, and has spelled phonetically.

A letter of the Aymara alphabet.

Abbreviation of pesuhuone (shower room, bathroom).

A digraph in Irish orthography.

A letter of the Juǀ'hoan alphabet, written in the Latin script.

A letter of the Lakota alphabet, written in the Latin script.

A letter of the Quechua alphabet, written in the Latin script.

The twenty-first letter of the Romani alphabet, written in the Latin script.

The twenty-second letter of the Romani alphabet, written in the Latin script.

The twenty-first letter of the Welsh alphabet, called ffi and written in the Latin script. It is preceded by P and followed by R.

Source: wiktionary.org