What is the meaning of Ply?

ISO 639-3 language code for Bolyu.

A layer of material.

A strand that, twisted together with other strands, makes up rope or yarn.

Short for plywood.

In two-player sequential games, a "half-turn" or a move made by one of the players.

A condition, a state.

To bend; to fold; to mould; to adapt, to modify; to change (a person's) mind, to cause (a person) to submit.

To bend, to flex; to be bent by something, to give way or yield (to a force, etc.).

To work at (something) diligently.

To wield or use (a tool, a weapon, etc.) steadily or vigorously.

To press upon; to urge persistently.

To persist in offering something to, especially for the purpose of inducement or persuasion.

To travel over (a route) regularly.

To work diligently.

To manoeuvre a sailing vessel so that the direction of the wind changes from one side of the vessel to the other; to work to windward, to beat, to tack.

A bent; a direction.

Source: wiktionary.org