What is the meaning of S-?

Subatomic particles with a spin (quantum angular momentum) of 0, predicted by supersymmetry; the bosonic equivalent of known fermions.

secondary form


second person agent pronominal prefix; you

Used to form a causative verb from a non-causative verb.

Added to a verb to form a noun.

pronominal prefix for

singulative noun prefix

iterative verb prefix

her (object pronoun)


Alternative form of z-

second person agent pronominal prefix; you

a prefix, usually indicating either movement together or movement downwards

direction from top down

direction toward the middle

used to form words that have an opposing sense: un-, in-

used to form verbs that have a sense of undoing an action: de-, dis-, un-

used to express a pejorative sense

used to form verbs with a sense of exit, separation: dis-, ex-, trans-

used in a privative sense: a-, de-, un-

used to derive verbs from a noun, adjective or verb

used as an intensifier

reduced form of dis-


Alternative form of il-

Alternative form of si-, which marks third person of si-perfective verbs

privative or negative affix that attaches to verbs

used before voiceless consonants to form a verb in a perfective aspect from a verb in an imperfective aspect

used before voiceless consonants to mean "in a downward direction"

used before voiceless consonants to mean "off, off the surface of", "away from", or "out of"

Prepended to verbs, usually forming a perfective from an imperfective verb.

Source: wiktionary.org