What is the meaning of Sethen?

To boil or seethe; to heat a fluid:

  1. To boil food or meat as to cook or prepare it.
  2. To boil down or off; to reduce by boiling something.
  3. To boil something into an essence; to boil as a form of processing.
  4. To inflict punishment or injury by boiling (typically used of Hell)

To boil food or meat as to cook or prepare it.

To boil down or off; to reduce by boiling something.

To boil something into an essence; to boil as a form of processing.

To inflict punishment or injury by boiling (typically used of Hell)

To cook or heat (especially used of processing ceramics or ingredients)

To break down or process one's consumed food using stomach acid; to digest.

To make pure; to revitalise.

Source: wiktionary.org