What is the meaning of Som?
ISO 639-2 & ISO 639-3 language code for Somali.
The currency of Uzbekistan.
The currency of Kyrgyzstan.
Alternative form of somm (“sommelier”)
first-person plural present indicative of ser
first-person plural present indicative of ésser
third-person plural present indicative of ser
seam (folded back and stitched piece of fabric)
catfish (fish of the order Siluriformes)
first-person singular present of byś
as; similar to, in the same way that
as; to the same extent or degree that
reconciliation, a setting aside of differences
an meeting for agreement, arrangement of dispute
sound (sensation perceived by the ear)
music (melodic and rhythmic sounds made as art)
an audio device, such as a stereo
grand (a thousand of something, especially but not only money)
first-person singular present of byť
as; in the same way that
as; to the same extent or degree that
Source: wiktionary.orgSearch words containing