What is the meaning of Sortir?

to go out, to leave

to go out (to leave one's abode to go to public places, especially for recreation or entertainment)

to come out, to appear, to emerge

to come out, to be published, to be made known

to end up, to turn out

to manage to get out of a difficult situation successfully (requires a reflexive pronoun according the subject, and the appropriate form of the adverbial pronoun en)

to leave, exit

to exit

to exit, go out, come out

to take out, bring out

to have or take [effect]

to organise; put by sort

end, closing

sort; arrange

to go out

to provide, to supply [with com ‘with’]

to mix, to mingle, to combine (different things)

to happen by luck, to fall to one's lot [with a ‘someone’]

to stock up, to provide oneself [with com ‘with’]

Source: wiktionary.org