What is the meaning of Terne?

Colourless, drab, dull.

An alloy coating made of lead and tin (or, more recently, zinc and tin), often with some antimony, used to cover iron or steel.

Synonym of terneplate (thin iron or steel sheeting coated with this alloy)

Obsolete spelling of tern (any of various seabirds of the subfamily Sternidae (of the family Laridae) that are similar to gulls but are smaller and have a forked tail).

tern (Sternidae)

maid, young female servant

dull; colourless; drab

trinity, gathering of three people


three in a row

vocative masculine singular of ternus

a tern

a tern

inflection of terno:

  1. nominative plural
  2. oblique masculine singular/feminine singular/plural

nominative plural

oblique masculine singular/feminine singular/plural

inflection of ternar:

  1. first/third-person singular present subjunctive
  2. third-person singular imperative

first/third-person singular present subjunctive

third-person singular imperative

Source: wiktionary.org