What is the meaning of Tid?
time in general
time as a defined period or span, particularly:
a tide, a fourth of the day or night
an hour, a twelfth of the day or night
a season, a fourth of the year
the hour, the moment determined by a sundial or other device marking the division between the tides or hours
the religious service held at a canonical hour, four of which were equivalent to the daylight tides
the season, the favorable or proper period for an action, especially with regard to farming or the holy seasons of the liturgical year
the time, the hour, the favorable, proper, or allotted moment for an action or event, the occasion when something can or ought to be done
a commemoration; an anniversary; a festival, especially a saint's day
tense, the time indicated by the form of a verb
instruction (act of teaching, or that which is taught)
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