What is the meaning of Vinda?

to wring

to wind

feminine singular of vindo




to wind [with accusative]

to wring [with accusative]

to twist [with accusative]

windlass, winch

skein of yarn

Alternative form of vinde

definite singular of vinde

to twist, wring, squeeze, wind [with accusative]

to wind, hoist (up) [with accusative]

to turn, swing [with dative]

to make a sudden movement, turn oneself quickly

a hank of yarn

indefinite accusative/genitive plural of vindr

inflection of vindr:

  1. positive degree strong feminine accusative singular
  2. positive degree strong masculine accusative plural
  3. positive degree weak masculine oblique singular
  4. positive degree weak feminine nominative singular
  5. positive degree weak neuter singular

positive degree strong feminine accusative singular

positive degree strong masculine accusative plural

positive degree weak masculine oblique singular

positive degree weak feminine nominative singular

positive degree weak neuter singular

to twist, to wring, to wind


feminine singular of vindo

feminine singular of vindo

to twist, to wrap, to wind

to have the eyes turned in different directions (preventing focus), to have a squint, to suffer from strabismus

a swift, a tool to bundle (twist, wind) yarn

a plant of the genus Convolvulus, bindweed

inflection of vind:

  1. definite singular
  2. plural

definite singular


Source: wiktionary.org