What is the meaning of Flux?

The act of flowing; a continuous moving on or passing by, as of a flowing stream.

A state of ongoing change.

A chemical agent for cleaning metal prior to soldering or welding.

The rate of transfer of energy (or another physical quantity), especially an electric or magnetic field, through a given surface.

A disease which causes diarrhea, especially dysentery.

Diarrhea or other fluid discharge from the body.

The state of being liquid through heat; fusion.

To use flux on.

To melt.

To flow as a liquid.

Flowing; unstable; inconstant; variable.



Obsolete spelling of fluks.


flood, flood tide

flood (an abundance of something)

diarrhea (rapid passage of fecal matter through the bowels)

flow (the flow of the tide)

flush (hand consisting of all cards with the same suit)

suit (set of clothes)

Source: wiktionary.org