What is the meaning of Stir?

To disturb the relative position of the particles of (a liquid or similar) by passing an object through it.

To disturb the content of (a container) by passing an object through it.

To emotionally affect; to touch, to move.

To incite to action.

To bring into debate; to agitate.

To disturb, to disrupt.

To change the place of in any manner; to move.

To begin to move, especially gently, from a still or unmoving position.

Of a feeling or emotion: to rise, begin to be felt.

To be in motion; to be active or bustling; to exert or busy oneself.

To rise from sleep or unconsciousness.

The act or result of stirring (moving around the particles of a liquid etc.)

agitation; tumult; bustle; noise or various movements.

Public disturbance or commotion; tumultuous disorder; seditious uproar.

Agitation of thoughts; conflicting passions.

Jail; prison.

imperative of stirre

imperative of stira

Source: wiktionary.org