What is the meaning of -an?

Of or pertaining to; an adjectival suffix appended to various words, often nouns, to make an adjective form.

Appended to nouns to form an agent noun.

Postconsonantal form of -ən after the vowels A / I / O / U.

a place where a large quantity of the thing meant by the root is put, planted, or can be found

a place where the action expressed by the root is performed

his, hers, its

A suffix of all verbs in their infinitive form.

Used to form stative verbs from nouns

A suffix denoting the plural of an inanimate noun

A suffix denoting the obviative form of an animate noun

A suffix denoting the second-person singular imperative of a transitive inanimate verb (vti)

used to form the infinitive of most class I verbs (exceptions are verbs like flēon (to flee))

Forms adverbs with ablative direction.

Forms the accusative, genitive, and dative singular and nominative and accusative plural of n-stem nouns

Alternative form of -on (strong plural past indicative suffix)

a suffix indicating the third-person plural indicative present of a verb in -ar

used to derive nouns from class 2 weak verbs

forms adverbs with ablative direction

strong accusative singular ending of adjectives

used to form the infinitive of strong verbs (exceptions are a few verbs ending in -ian like biddian or liggian)

Third person plural suffix

locative trigger verb suffix; to do at, in, on a place

directive verb suffix; to do at, towards someone

partitive verb suffix; to do to a part of something

benefactive trigger verb suffix; to do something for someone/something else

causative verb affix; to do because of, due to

to consider something as

to put something on someone; to give someone

indicates a place where such objects are found, placed, or action done

indicates an object used as an instrument

characterized by having something in abundance; -ful

characterized by being or doing such; -ly

forms nouns, including inhabitant names

-an; making a noun, describing a person or characteristic

suffix used for acyclic saturated hydrocarbons (methane, ethane, etc.).

Obsolete form of -am.

Forms the impersonal indicative present forms of verbs, appended to the first infinitive.

A suffix variant for the illative singular, see -Vn.

A variant for the third-person suffix -nsa.


Added to an adjective to create an adverb.

Added to a numeral or a pronoun with this sense to create an adverb, expressing the number of people.

Added to a stem ― often an onomatopoeia ― to form a verb expressing an instantaneous action.

added to a noun

  1. suffix for collectivity

    suffix for collectivity

    suffix for place

    suffix for value

    suffix for measurement result; -s

    -s; suffix for quantity (about value)

    -ly, specifying time intervals, having the sense of "occurring at such intervals"

    added to a verb to create a noun

    1. suffix for object

      suffix for object

      suffix for place

      suffix for result

      suffix for tool

      suffix for way or method

      added to an adjective to create a noun

      1. suffix for having property

        suffix for having property

        suffix for intensity (quality or quantity)

        suffix for similarity


        1. to use of [base]

          to use of [base]

          to hold or to have [base]

          to do as indicated by the [base]


          1. the location of [base]

            the location of [base]

            the cost of [base]


            event of [base]

            suffering of [base]

            forms verbal nouns

            object trigger: to do something to a person or a thing

            object trigger: to cause something to become; to make; because; due

            directional trigger: to do something in the direction of

            benefactive trigger: to do something for

            object trigger: to do something occasionally, at random, a little, a bit, now and then or here and there

            directional trigger: to do something in the direction of, occasionally, at random, a little, a bit, now and then or here and there

            object trigger: to perform the action of the verb on something

            Forms locative nouns indicating places where a significant object referred to by the root is placed, planted, or commonly found.

            Forms Locative nouns for places where the root's action occurs

            Forms nouns for periods when the root's action is collectively performed.

            Forms nouns indicating a tool or an object that is used to perform what is meant by the root

            Forms nouns signifying reciprocal or joint performance of the action expressed by the root

            Used to create a diminutive, pretensive, or imitative form of something

            Used to indicate groups.

            Suffix for collectivity

            Suffix for similarity

            Suffix for object

            Suffix for place

            Suffix for instrument


            Alternative form of -ane

            -ate, used to form names of derivates of oxyacids whose name ends with -owy (-ic)

            forms people

            Forms adjectives and nouns describing things and characteristics of a city, region, or country; -an

            Added to nouns and adjectives as an augmentative suffix.

            Forms names of male animals.

            A masculine suffix used to form nouns meaning a smaller form of something, often used for male given names.

            Used to form regular nominatives plural of nouns.

            Suffix appended to words to create a masculine noun, usually denoting a (often negative) feature or endearment.

            Suffix appended to words to create an adjective.

            Suffix indicating the third-person plural (also used with ustedes) present indicative of -ar verbs.

            Suffix indicating the third-person plural (also used with ustedes) present subjunctive of -er and -ir verbs.

            Suffix indicating the third-person plural imperative of -er and -ir verbs.

            making a noun from a verb, similar to -ing and -ning, having -ningar as the plural.

            -an; making a noun, describing a person by belief or nationality

            object trigger: to do something to a person or a thing

            object trigger: to cause something to become; to make

            directional trigger: to do something in the (physical or psychological) direction of

            benefactive trigger: to do something for

            object trigger: to do something occasionally, at random, a little, a bit, now and then or here and there

            directional trigger: to do something in the (physical or psychological) direction of, occasionally, at random, a little, a bit, now and then or here and there

            object trigger: to perform the action of the verb on something

            Forms locative nouns expressing where a large quantity of the thing meant by the root is put, planted, or can be found

            Forms locative nouns where the action expressed by the root is performed

            Forms nouns expressing period in which the action expressed by the root is collectively performed

            Forms nouns indicating a tool or an object that is used to perform what is meant by the root

            Forms nouns signifying reciprocal or joint performance of the action expressed by the root

            Used to create a diminutive, pretensive, or imitative form of something

            Used to indicate groups.

            Creates participles and relative clauses where

            1. the relativized element is the grammatical subject of the clause

              the relativized element is the grammatical subject of the clause

              the relativized element is the possessor of the grammatical subject of the clause

              the relativized element is the possessor of some other element of the clause, and the subject is categorial and indefinite

              Creates nouns with the meaning of "the one who ...", "those who ...", "those which ..." etc. when one of the aforementioned conditions apply

              Combines with the dative suffix and the postpositions kadar, dek or değin to mean until

              Used to indicate someone who is or does something

              diminutive suffix, -let

              person or object with characteristics of the root word

              used to form pet names

              verbnoun suffix

              verb suffix for the third-person future plural

              Source: wiktionary.org