What is the meaning of Apex?

The highest or the greatest part of something, especially forming a point.

The highest point in a plane or solid figure, relative to a base line or plane.

The pointed fine end of something.

The lowest part of the human heart.

The deepest part of a tooth's root.

The end of a leaf, petal or similar organ opposed to the end where it is attached to its support.

The growing point of a shoot.

The point on the celestial sphere toward which the Sun appears to move relative to nearby stars.

The lowest point on a pendant drop of a liquid.

The end or edge of a vein nearest the surface.


  1. A diacritic in Classical Latin that resembles and gave rise to the acute.
  2. A diacritic in Middle Vietnamese that indicates /ŋ͡m/.
  3. A sharp upward point formed by two strokes that meet at an acute angle, as in "W", uppercase "A", and closed-top "4", or by a tapered stroke, as in lowercase "t".

    A diacritic in Classical Latin that resembles and gave rise to the acute.

    A diacritic in Middle Vietnamese that indicates /ŋ͡m/.

    A sharp upward point formed by two strokes that meet at an acute angle, as in "W", uppercase "A", and closed-top "4", or by a tapered stroke, as in lowercase "t".

    The part of a corner where the racing line is nearest the inside of the bend.

    An obstacle for a horse to jump over, consisting of a triangular corner fence.

    The moment of greatest success, expansion, etc.

    The top of the food chain.

    A conical priest cap.

    The extreme end of a thing; the point, summit, top.

    The small rod (generally of olive wood) at the top of the flamen's cap, wound around with a woolen cord or "thread".


    1. The conical leathern cap of an ancient Roman priest (the Flamen), ornamented with this rod.
    2. Any hat or helmet; a crown.
    3. A projecting point or summit.
      1. The highest ornament or honor; the crown of a thing.
    4. The macron (long mark over a vowel).
      1. The forms or outlines of the letters.
    5. A letter or any other writing.
    6. The least particle, tittle.

    The conical leathern cap of an ancient Roman priest (the Flamen), ornamented with this rod.

    Any hat or helmet; a crown.

    A projecting point or summit.

    1. The highest ornament or honor; the crown of a thing.

    The highest ornament or honor; the crown of a thing.

    The macron (long mark over a vowel).

    1. The forms or outlines of the letters.

    The forms or outlines of the letters.

    A letter or any other writing.

    The least particle, tittle.



    Source: wiktionary.org