What is the meaning of Baffle?

  1. To confuse or perplex (someone) completely; to bewilder, to confound, to puzzle.

    To confuse or perplex (someone) completely; to bewilder, to confound, to puzzle.

    To defeat, frustrate, or thwart (someone or their efforts, plans, etc.); to confound, to foil.

    Of weather or wind: to hinder or prevent (a ship or its crew) from advancing.

    To dampen, muffle, restrain, or otherwise control (a fluid, or waves travelling through a fluid such as light or sound).

    1. To deceive or hoodwink (someone); to gull.
    2. Followed by away or out: to deprive of (something) through cheating or manipulation; also (followed by out of), to deprive of something by cheating or manipulating (someone).

    To deceive or hoodwink (someone); to gull.

    Followed by away or out: to deprive of (something) through cheating or manipulation; also (followed by out of), to deprive of something by cheating or manipulating (someone).

    1. To expend effort or struggle in vain.

      To expend effort or struggle in vain.

      To argue or complain in a petty or trivial manner; to quibble.

      1. A device used to dampen, muffle, restrain, or otherwise control the movement of a fluid, or waves travelling through a fluid such as light or sound; specifically, a surface positioned inside an open area to inhibit direct motion from one place to another without preventing motion altogether.

        A device used to dampen, muffle, restrain, or otherwise control the movement of a fluid, or waves travelling through a fluid such as light or sound; specifically, a surface positioned inside an open area to inhibit direct motion from one place to another without preventing motion altogether.

        A lever for operating the throttle valve of a winding engine.

        A barrier designed to obstruct and confuse enemies, rendering them vulnerable.

        An argument or objection based on an ambiguity of wording or similar trivial circumstance; a minor complaint; a quibble.

        To publicly disgrace (someone); specifically, a recreant knight.

        To treat (someone) with contempt; to disgrace; also, to speak of (someone or something) in contemptuous terms; to speak ill of, to vilify.

        Intentional insult; affront; also, disgrace; an instance of this.

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        Source: wiktionary.org