What is the meaning of Minor?
Lesser, smaller in importance, size, degree, seriousness, or significance compared to another option, particularly:
Underage, not having reached legal majority.
Not serious, not involving risk of death, permanent injury, dangerous surgery, or extended hospitalization.
Smaller by a diatonic semitone than the equivalent major interval.
Incorporating a minor third interval above the tonic or root note, tending to produce a dark, discordant, sad, or pensive effect.
Of or related to a minor, a secondary area of undergraduate study.
Of or related to a minor, a determinate obtained by deleting one or more rows and columns from a matrix.
Acting as the subject of the second premise of a categorical syllogism, which then also acts as the subject of its conclusion.
The younger of two pupils with the same surname.
Of or related to the relationship between the longa and the breve in a score.
Having semibreves twice as long as a minim.
Of or related to a minority party.
Having little worth or ability; paltry; mean.
Including both directed and undirected edges.
A child, a person who has not reached the age of majority, consent, etc. and is legally subject to fewer responsibilities and less accountability and entitled to fewer legal rights and privileges.
A lesser person or thing, a person, group, or thing of minor rank or in the minor leagues.
Ellipsis of minor interval, scale, mode, key, chord, triad, etc.
A formally recognized secondary area of undergraduate study, requiring fewer course credits than the equivalent major.
A person who is completing or has completed such a course of study.
A determinant of a square matrix obtained by deleting one or more rows and columns.
Alternative letter-case form of Minor: a Franciscan friar, a Clarist nun.
Ellipsis of minor term or minor premise.
Ellipsis of minor league: the lower level of teams.
Ellipsis of minor penalty: a penalty requiring a player to leave the ice for 2 minutes unless the opposing team scores.
Synonym of behind: a one-point kick.
Ellipsis of minor point: a lesser score formerly gained by certain actions.
Ellipsis of minor suit; a card of a minor suit.
Any of various noctuid moths in Europe and Asia, chiefly in the Oligia and Mesoligia genera.
A leaf-cutter worker ant intermediate in size between a minim and a media.
An adolescent, a person above the legal age of puberty but below the age of majority.
Synonym of subtrahend, the amount subtracted from a number.
The younger brother of a pupil.
Short for graph minor.
Used in a phrasal verb: minor in.
(comparative degree of parve) smaller
less, lesser, inferior, smaller
subordinate, minor, inferior in rank
person under age (e.g. 25 years old), minor
children; descendants, posterity
to jut forth, protrude, project, tower
[with dative] to threaten, menace
indefinite plural of mina
Source: wiktionary.orgSearch words containing